Do you want to share your ideas on establishing world peace? Do you want to find creative ways for peacebuilding and the prevention of wars? Do you want to be inspired and inspire others to spread the peace movement and make peace ���infectious� throughout the world? Or even further, do you want to discover ideas on how to make peace profitable, so it can be applied in a better way in a capitalistic world? If your answer is yes to these questions, then ���The Third Hague Peace Conference ��� Essay Competition� is the next step in your career and we encourage you to write an essay following our essay criteria and fill out the online application form.
Visit; http://sites.thehagueuniversity.com/hague-peace/home
Essay criteria & layout
Essay criteria
Deadline: Sunday 19 April 2015 - 23:59 (CEST = GMT+2)
Hand in: via the online application form
Address one of the main themes
Theme 1: Modernizing the humanitarian rules of war (Geneva Conventions)
Theme 2: Improving the maintenance of peace by the United Nations Security Council and regional organizations
When writing your essay, please bear in mind the essay criteria. The jury will judge your essay on the following criteria:
Does the essay have a clear focus, suitable to the essay length and is the topic developed with sufficient clarity? Are adequate examples given, etc.?
Consider how the essay is introduced and concluded, how the essay is structured, whether the order or extent of development is successful, as well as how individual paragraphs are organized (clear topic sentences, appropriate and concrete evidence, logical organization of evidence).
Is the tone appropriate? Does it have sufficient and appropriate variety (factual, analytical, evaluative, reflective, etc.). Is the essay written with creativity? Is the style of sentences and
paragraphs adequate? Are sentences worded clearly? Is word choice interesting and appropriate?
Other aspects
Furthermore, the jury will ask the following questions:
Does the essay make good use of concrete description, anecdote, and dialogue?
Why are you so much interested in the topic you write about?
Does the writer seem authentic?
Is this a passionate piece? Is it creative?
Are your ideas globally applicable?
Are your ideas practical and feasible?
Is the utility directly clear and understandable to all kinds of audience?
1,200 words
Times new roman
1.5 spacing