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Teachers protest in The Hague

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Hundreds of teachers gathered to protest on the Plein in The Hague on Monday.

The teachers were protesting against the government�۪s plan to raise the amount of mandatory lesson hours teachers must give and reducing summer holidays.

The protest was the beginning of three days of action by the teachers.

A number of schools around the city operated on an emergency roster on Monday.

School Holidays and Vacations
These are the dates for Government School Calendar for the Central and South regions

The Hague, Rotterdam and Central Region
School Year 2011-2012

Public school holidays 2011/2012
Education in the Netherlands

Below are the school vacations and public holidays in The Hague for the 2011/2012 school year.

Vacation Primary Education Secondary Education
Summer vacation 2011 4 July - 12 August 2011 4 July - 19 August 2011
Prince�۪s Day (Prinsjesdag) Tuesday, 20 September 2011 Tuesday, 20 September 2011 as of 11.00 hrs.
Autumn break (Herfstvakantie) 17 ��� 21 October 2011 17 ��� 21 October 2011
Winter break (Kerstvakantie) 26 December 2011 ��� 6 January 2012 26 December 2011 ��� 6 January 2012
Spring break (Voorjaarsvakantie) 27 February ��� 2 March 2012 27 February ��� 2 March 2012
Easter weekend (Paasweekeinde) 6 ��� 9 April 2012 6 ��� 9 April 2012
May vacation (Meivakantie) 30 April ��� 4 May 2012 30 April ��� 4 May 2012
Ascension Day (Hemelvaartvakantie)* Thursday and Friday, 17 and 18 May 2012 Thursday and Friday, 17 and 18 May 2012
Whit Monday/Pentecost (Pinksteren)* 28 May ��� 1 June 2012 Monday, 28 May 2012
Summer vacation 2012 9 July - 17 August 2012 9 July - 24 August 2012