Module 7
Economics & Politics and Religion
"Spirituality means respecting and honoring the spirit or life force within us." - Bhanumati Narasimhan

Module 7 Guide - Economics, Politics and Religion

Module 7 Guide - Economics, Politics and Religion

Economics & Politics

Economics & Politics

Lecture 1 - Introduction to the Economy and Politcs The Basic Decisions of any Economy

Lecture 1 - Introduction to the Economy and Politcs The Basic Decisions of any Economy

Lecture 2 - Introduction to the Economy and Politics

Lecture 2 - Introduction to the Economy and Politics

Lecture 3 - The Relationship between Government to Economy File

Lecture 3 - The Relationship between Government to Economy File

Communism, Capitalism, Socialism

Communism, Capitalism, Socialism



Religion and Nationalism

Religion and Nationalism

Stephen Meyer on Intelligent Design and The Return of the God Hypothesis

Stephen Meyer on Intelligent Design and The Return of the God Hypothesis

Lecture Guide - powerpoint presentation

Lecture Guide - powerpoint presentation